Lineage tracing using DIO-AAV in the Ucp1-iCre mice. (A) Subcutaneous inguinal WAT from cold stimulated Ucp1-iCre-ROSAmTmG mice were sectioned and immunostained for UCP1. (B) Ucp1-GFP cells from the dorsal region of the anterior mammary gland (day 3 of lactation) were stained for mammary luminal marker KRT8. (C and D) Schematic diagram of the mCherry reporter activation upon the Ucp1-iCre mediated excision is shown in M. Schematic diagrams of lineage-tracing experiments using the DIO-mCherry-AAV infected Ucp1-iCre mice are shown in N. (E–G) Interscapular brown adipose depots from 8-week-old female Ucp1-iCre mice maintained at 5 °C for 4–5 days after the injection of the DIO-mCherry-AAV were sectioned and immunostained for mCherry, UCP1, Perilipin1 and mammary markers KRT14 and KRT8. (H–J) During lactation day 2–3, the interscapular BAT from the DIO-mCherry-AAV infected Ucp1-iCre female mice were sectioned and immunostained for mCherry, Perilipin1 and mammary markers KRT14, KRT5, and KRT8.