Ucp1-GFP cells convert into mammary basal myoepithelial cells during the reproductive stage. (A) The UCP1 expression level in BAT during lactation (middle) compared to the virgin state (left). The percentage of UCP1 expression in Ucp1-GFP cells are shown in the histogram (right). (B and C) In the virgin stage of the Ucp1-Cre-ROSAmTmG mice, the interscapular BAT was stained for mammary markers KRT14 and KRT8. (D–G) During lactation, Ucp1-GFP cells contain mammary basal myoepithelial markers KRT14 and KRT5 in the dorsal region of the anterior mammary gland (D and E) and the posterior mammary gland (F and G). (H and I) Flow cytometry analysis of CD24 and CD29 of Lin− cells showing Ucp1-GFP expression in mammary basal myoepithelial cell populations in the dorsal region of the anterior interscapular mammary gland (H) and the posterior inguinal mammary gland (I). (J and K) The Ucp1-GFP cell percentage in Krt14+ mammary basal myoepithelial population (defined as Lin−:CD24+:CD29hi:Krt14+) during lactation (J) and virgin stage (both n = 3) (K). (L) The Krt14+ mammary basal myoepithelial population were selected to observe Ucp1-GFP cells. (M) Schematic diagrams of Ucp1-GFP cell transplantation experiments using the SCID-beige mice are shown in M. (N–P) During lactation day 5, the inguinal mammary gland from the Ucp1-GFP cells grafted SCID-beige female mice were sectioned and immunostained for mammary markers KRT14, KRT5 and KRT8. (Q) Schematic diagrams of lineage-tracing experiments using Ucp1-CreER-ROSAtdTomato mice are shown in Q. (R–U) Interscapular brown adipose depots and inguinal mammary gland from lactation Ucp1-CreER-ROSAtdTomato mice were sectioned and immunostained for RFP, Perilipin1 and mammary markers KRT14 and KRT5. Scale bar: 20 μm. The data represent means + s.e.m. *P <0.05.