SOA compositions and size distributions for the experiment MT-18012013
measured with an HR-TOF-AMS instrument at high RH before any cloud
event (a), during the first cloud event (b), and after the first cloud
event (c). (left) Normalized mass spectra of the organic components
of dried aerosol. (right) Dried aerosol size distributions. Cx stands
for C-containing fragments, CH stands for CH fragments, CHO1 stands
for CHO fragments with only one oxygen atom, CHOgt1 stands for CHO
fragments with more than one oxygen atom, CHN stands for CHN fragments,
CHO1N stands for CHON fragments with only one oxygen atom, CHOgt1N
stands for CHON fragments with more than one oxygen atom, HO stands
for OH+, H2O+, H3O+ fragments and their isotopes.