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. 2013 Feb 21;6(1):17–27. doi: 10.1159/000346805

Table 1.

Characteristics of the Korean adults aged 20 years or over in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2007–2009

s% 95s% CI s% 95s% CI
 20–39 years 44.2 42.2–46.1 40.0 38.3–41.7
 40–59 years 39.9 38.2–41.7 39.2 37.6–40.7
 ≥60 years 15.9 14.9–16.9 20.8 19.6–22.1
 Elementary or less ≤6 years 13.4 12.3–14.6 27.0 25.4–28.5
 Middle school 7–9 years 10.4 9.4–11.4 10.3 9.5–11.1
 High school 10–12 years 28.8 27.2–30.4 31.4 30.0–32.8
 College and above ≥13 years 47.4 45.3–49.4 31.3 29.7–33.0
Income 10,000 Korea Won, mean
 1st quartile lowest 54 53–56 51 50–53
 2nd quartile 105 104–107 97 95–99
 3rd quartile 159 156–161 149 146–151
 4th quartile highest 339 312–367 316 294–339
Marital status
 Unmarried 23.0 21.3–24.7 14.5 13.3–15.8
 Married living with spouse 71.5 69.7–73.3 67.6 66.0–69.1
 Married living without spouse 4.8 4.1–5.4 17.4 16.4–18.5
 Rural 18.1 14.7–21.5 17.8 14.6–21.0
 Urban 54.4 50.7–58.1 53.5 49.9–57.0
 Metropolitan 27.5 25.4–29.6 28.7 26.7–30.7
History of chronic disease a 22.5 21.2–23.7 22.2 21.0–23.4
Alcohol consumption
 Never/past 13.6 12.5–14.7 34.8 33.4–36.2
 Moderate 46.6 45.0–48.1 53.5 52.2–54.8
 Heavy 39.8 38.3–41.3 11.7 10.8–12.5
 Never 19.1 17.8–20.3 86.4 85.4–87.5
 Past 33.6 32.2–34.9 6.6 5.9–7.3
 Current 47.4 45.8–48.9 6.9 6.2–7.7
Physical activity
 Sedentary 52.4 50.7–54.1 58.9 57.3–60.5
 Active 47.6 45.9–49.3 41.1 39.5–42.7
 Underweight >18.5 kg/m2 3.2 2.7–3.8 6.2 5.4–6.9
 Normal/overweight 18.5–24.9 kg/m2 60.0 58.6–61.4 66.5 65.3–67.7
 Obesity ≥25 kg/m2 36.8 35.4–38.2 27.4 26.2–28.5
Self-perceived weight status
 Light 20.3 19.0–21.7 13.6 12.7–14.5
 Ideal 40.9 39.4–42.4 40.1 38.9–41.4
 Heavy 38.7 37.2–40.3 46.3 45.0–47.5
Weight control attempt
 Tried to lose weight 33.0 31.4–34.5 45.9 44.6–47.2
 Tried to maintain weight 12.3 11.3–13.3 12.0 11.1–12.8
 Tried to gain weight 9.0 8.0–10.0 2.9 2.4–3.3
 Did nothing about weight 45.7 44.1–47.3 39.3 37.9–40.6

Any history of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, and stroke.