Fig. 5.
Identification of miR-155-gene associations. a miRNA-gene association network showing miR-155-gene interactions identified. Line color summarizes the qPCR-based transfection analysis results in the exploratory cohort (shown in b–h). Strong validations (bold lines, corresponding to b–e) and weak validations (gray lines, corresponding to f–h), and interactions that failed validations are shown as dotted lines. Strong and weak criteria are described in “Methods” (b–h). qPCR results of miR-155 transfected THP1 cells. Y-axis shows relative qPCR expression of the gene indicated on top of the plot. X-axis shows boxplots for cells that were not transfected, miR-155-transfected cells, and control-transfected cells. Dots indicate individual samples. Asterisks indicate level of significance (two-sided t-test): * indicates P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01, and ***P ≤ 0.001. P-values for tests that are borderline significant are shown (see Methods). b–e show strong validation cases, f–h shows weak validation cases. i Summary of evidence for miR-155 regulation of the selected genes, from mirTarBase and this study. Black boxes indicate the evidence from the indicated type of experiments from mirTarBase. “Strong” and “weak” categories refer to the classification of validations in b–h