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. 2017 Jul 31;7(7):e015133. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015133
New for DESI study (if offered choice of either pet or surgery/AET, or chemotherapy/no chemotherapy) Baseline (after consent for PET or surgery) (AET or after consultation for chemo/no chemo, as applicable) 6 weeks after relevant treatment choice 6 months after relevant treatment choice
Spielberger anxiety * *
Collaborate *
Decision regret * *
Knowledge readiness to decide and preference measures *
Brief IPQ * *
Brief COPE * *
Process evaluation (if taking part in process evaluation)
Process evaluation questionnaire *

*indicated that these data are collected at this time point.

ADL, activities of daily living; AET, antioestrogen therapy; COPE, Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced; DESI, decision support intervention; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living; IPQ, Illness Perception Questionnaire; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; PET, primary endocrine therapy; QoL, quality of life; RECIST, Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors.