Figure 1.
Maxillary images of P. gingivalis-induced and ligation-induced experimental periodontitis in WT, TLR2 KO, TLR4 KO, and TLR2&4 KO mice. Experimental periodontitis was induced by the application of live P. gingivalis in the sulcus of maxillary second molars or by silk ligatures wrapped around maxillary second molars on both sides over a 14-day period in WT, TLR2 KO, TLR4 KO, and TLR2&4 KO mice. Maxillae were collected on day 14 and de-fleshed by a Dermestid beetle colony. After being bleached with 3% hydrogen peroxide, the bone was stained with 1% toluidine blue. The alveolar bone resorption areas around maxillary secondary molars were viewed by microscopy (30×) for the control group, the P. gingivalis infection group, and the ligation group of WT, TLR2 KO, TLR4 KO, and TLR2&4 KO mice, respectively (scale bar, 1 mm).