Panel A: Rat pancreatic islets were isolated and pre-incubated with GGTI-2147 for overnight prior to treatment with LG or HG for 24 hours. Nuclear accumulation of Rac1 was determined by Western blotting.
Panel B: Pooled data from three independent experiments are shown in the graph. ** p<0.005 vs WT Rac1.
Panel C: INS-1 832/13 cells were transfected with GFP wild type [WT] or unprenylatable and constitutively active GFP Rac-1 [Rac1 SAAX], unprenylatable Rac1 [Rac1 C189A] and relative abundance of Rac1 in the non-nuclear and nuclear fractions was assessed by Western blotting followed by densitometry. Lamin B was used as marker for the nuclear fraction.
Panel D: INS-1 832/13 cells were transfected with GFP wild type [WT] or unprenylatable and constitutively active GFP Rac-1 [Rac1 SAAX], unprenylatable Rac1 [Rac1 C189A] and localization of Rac1 was analyzed using fluorescent microscope. DAPI was used to counterstain the nucleus.