LTVinHi [ms] |
The long-term variability averaged over periods of high heart rate variation. |
STVinHi [ms] |
The short-term variability averaged over periods of high heart rate variation. |
LTVinLo [ms] |
The long-term variability averaged over periods of low heart rate variation. |
STVinLo [ms] |
The short-term variability averaged over periods of low heart rate variation. |
NoHiEpi [ph] |
The number of high variation episodes normalized by the length of the recording. |
NoLoEpi [ph] |
The number of low variation episodes normalized by the length of the recording. |
HiMin [ph] |
The number of minutes in high variation normalized by the length of the recording. |
LoMin [ph] |
The number of minutes in low variation normalized by the length of the recording. |
AvgDurHi [min] |
The average duration of episodes of high variation. |
AvgDurLo [min] |
The average duration of episodes of low variation. |
HiEpiStrt [min] |
The onset of the first high variation episode. |
RecGest [weeks] |
The gestational age as estimated at time of recording. |