Figure 2.
CN-PAGE of Chromera (C.v.) membrane complexes solubilised by α-DM, β-DM or β-DM with 0.4% SDS. For each line 15 μg of chlorophyll was loaded and the gel scanned under white light illumination (WL). Chlorophyll fluorescence emitted by PSII and by ‘free’ antenna proteins (FL) was detected by Fuji LAS 4000 after excitation by blue light. SC marks a PSI-PSII supercomplex observed only in the α-DM solubilised membranes (see Fig. 3); PSI marks a monomeric PSI supercomplex with (fucoxanthin-chlorophyll) light-harvesting antennae. Membranes (3 μg of chlorophyll) isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 and solubilised with β-DM (Syn mem) were used to demonstrate the mobility of photosynthetic complexes: PSI[1] (~350 kDa) and PSI[3] (~1 MDa), monomer and trimer of PSI, respectively; PSII[2] (~700 kDa), dimer of PSII; CpcA/B[6], ~100-kDa heterohexamer of CpcA and CpcB phycobiliproteins.