Figure 1.
(a) Synthesis and functionalization of 68Ga core-doped nanoradiotracers. (b) Hydrodynamic size (Z-average), determined by dynamic light scattering, of ten independent batches of citrate-coated NRT (blue dots); horizontal bars represent mean and 95%CI. (c) Hydrodynamic size (maximum peak in volume) of citrate-coated NRT in PBS, saline and mouse serum (from t = 0 to 24 hours). (d) PET images for different gallium concentrations in the 68Ga-NRT. (e) 68Ga-NRT hydrodynamic size, measured by dynamic light scattering, before and after conjugation of cFLFLF peptide. (f) TEM images of 68Ga-NRT-cFLFLF at two magnifications (scale bars are 50 nm and 20 nm). (g) Comparison of FTIR spectra before and after conjugation of cFLFLF peptide. (h) Zeta potential before and after cFLFLF conjugation (statistical analysis by two-tailed t-test; error bars indicate s.d., N = 3; *, t 4.698 P 0.0182). (i) Thermogravimetric curve of 68Ga-NRT-cFLFLF.