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. 2016 Oct 19;25(11):3439–3451. doi: 10.1007/s00167-016-4355-z

Table 1.

Description of the included studies in the systematic review investigating balance and risk of falls in TKR patients

Sample Outcome measures Timeline Study findings Clinically relevant findings to balance and falls
Cho and Hwang [12] N = 11 (11F) No CG Age: 61.7±7.3 Inclusion: Radiographic varus deformity& medial compartment OA degeneration undergoing TKR VAS; WOMAC; varus angle; SLSB in horizontal plane force platform maximum isometric peak torque of quadriceps Pre-TKR and 11-day post-TKR Improvements (~60%) in SLSB in patients with varus OA knees 11-day post-TKR Improvement in SLSB post-TKR
Poor pre-TKR SLSB associated with better SLSB post-TKR.
Gage et al. [15] EG: n= 8(2 M,6F) Age: 62.9±6.0 CG: n=9(5 M,4F) Age: 62.1±5.6 Inclusion: post-TKR patients, first right TKR, at least 6 months after surgery EMG and kinematic responses with rotational sagittal plane perturbation platform At least 6 months post-TKR Dynamic balance not impaired in EG vs CG in sagittal plane No difference between groups in dynamic balance in sagittal plane
Whole body COM displacement not different between groups vs joint angle displacement and EMG => different strategy to maintain balance from CG.
EMG and kinematic responses in EG are bilateral despite unilateral joint disease
Gage et al. [16] EG: n = 8(6F) Age: 62.9±6.0. CG: n=9(4F) Age: 62.1±5.6 Inclusion: post-TKR patients, first right TKR, at least 6 months after surgery EMG and kinematic responses with rotational frontal plane perturbation platform At least 6-month post-TKR Dynamic balance control impaired in EG vs CG in frontal plane Impaired dynamic balance of EG vs CG in frontal plane
Increased COM displacement in EG vs CG
Differences in joint angle displacement and EMG of EG vs CG => different strategy to maintain balance from CG.
EMG and kinematic responses amongst patients are bilateral despite unilateral joint disease
Levinger et al. [29] EG: n = 35 (16F) Age: 67±7. CG: n=27 (14F) Age: 65±11 Inclusion: patients with knee OA who could walk independently for 45 m undergoing TKR QoL; WOMAC; Incidental and Planned Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Falls Efficacy Scale (FES-I), Physiological Profile Assessment (PPA) for falls risk Pre-TKR & 4-month post-TKR No significant difference in falls risk between groups post-TKR Increased risk of falls in EG compared to CG.
No significant difference in postural sway between groups Impaired SLSB of EG vs CG
QoL: significant reduced post-surgery.
Significant improvement in WOMAC post-TKR
Less strength and poorer proprioception for the EG post-TKR compared with the CG
Mandeville et al. [32] EG: n= 19(14F) Age: 64.0±7.74. CG: n=21(13F) Age: 63.1±4.26 Inclusion: end-stage OA undergoing TKR VAS; WOMAC; obstacle overcoming; kinematic displacement on force platform during gait Within 2 pre-TKR weeks and 6-month post-TKR Improvement in WOMAC post-surgery Impaired dynamic balance in EG vs controls
Poorer gait stability in EG (smaller displacement COM/COG) than CG
EG and CG cross obstacles similarly
Mauer et al. [33] EG: n=29(19F) Age 72, 6±5,4, bilateral (BL) TKR. CG: n=27(17F) Age 70, 6±5,5. Inclusion: knee OA who could climb stairs, rise form a chair, have 20/40 vision or better undergoing TKR Balance (SLSB for 30 s); Obstacle avoidance success rate EG tested post-TKR: 2,75±1,29 (range: 1–5 years) EG SLSB duration was 67% less than the CG Impaired SLSB in EG vs CG.
EG 30% less obstacle avoidance success rate than the CG Increased risk of falls in EG vs CG
McChesney and Woolacot [11] N=22 Age:≥70 Groups: knee OA, ankle OA, patients undergoing TKR TJPS; EMG and kinematic responses with force platform Not stated Ankle & knee groups with lower TJPS showed increased COP variance. No difference on SLSB or dynamic between groups
Post-TKR patients showed no reductions in any aspect of postural control.
Quagliarella et al. [43] N=240(142F). EG1: n=81 THR Age range: 40–80/42–82 years EG2: n=100 TKR Age range: 48–80/48–79 years CG: N=59 Age 67.4±5,9. Patients able to stand without support for 120 s. Posturography on force plate Pre-op; 6 months &12 months post-TKR No statistically significant improvement in posturographic parameters in EG1 & EG2 vs CG group at follow-ups post-TKR Standing balance did not show a clear trend towards improvement in TKR patients post-TKR
Statistically significant improvement in pain and function of EG1 & EG2 post-TKR
Posturography not recommended as a method to evaluate balance in TKR patients
Schwartz et al. [45] n=62(52F) mAge: 73 (r: 57–83). Inclusion: Knee OA patients able to walk & follow simple instructions undergoing TKR Dynamic & static Balance with force platform; TUG; SF-36 Pre-TKR & 12-month post-TKR improved knee function& QoL Significant improvement in dynamic and functional balance; NS for static balance
improved dynamic balance
Improvements in static balance measures did not reach statistical significance.
Improved weight-bearing during squat
Swinkels et al. [54] n= 99(63F) Age 73.4±4.9 Inclusion: primary TKR falls number; WOMAC; ABC-UK; GDS Pre-TKR and 12-month post-TKR ~45% patients fall again in the first year post-TKR Significant switch of pre-TKR fallers becoming non-fallers post-TKR
Improved balance confidence, WOMAC and GDS post-TKR
Swinkels and Allain [53] n=22 (16F/ Age: 74,8 ± 5,2y) Inclusion: primary TKR. falls number; WOMAC, ABC, GDS; BBS; TUG 2–50 day pre-TKR (mean: 23) 143–218 day post-TKR (mean: 183) 41% of patients exceeded MDC for BBS post-surgery Functional balance improved post-TKR in 54% of patients
50 % of patients exceeded MDC for TUG post-surgery
Findings on fallers are restricted by the small sample size
Viton et al. [57] 20 patients EG1: N=8(3F) Age: 67 (46–77) CG N=12(6F) Inclusion: Unilateral TKR VAS; kinetics/kinematics in side step on force platform 15-day pre -and 12-month post-TKR Improved VAS SLSB improved in operated limb during tasks
Presented with more symmetrical posturomotor strategies
Evidence of persisting posturomotor impairments of EG vs CG
Increased SLSB in operated limb in EG
Yakhdani et al. [60] EG1: n = 14(10F) Age 61.6±10. CG: n=12(7F) Age 62.0±12.6 Inclusion: Unilateral knee ΟΑ undergoing TKR, sufficient physical condition Dynamic balance; falls; gait variability pre-TKR, at 6 weeks, at 6- and 12-month post-TKR EG1: increased maximum gait speed post-TKR Reduced risk of falls.
Decreased gait variability of EG post-TKR in relevance to CG Recovery of dynamic balance
Increased stability post-TKR

CG control group, EG experimental group, TKR total knee replacement, mCTSIB modified clinical test for sensory interaction and balance, TJPS threshold of passive joint position sense, ABC-UK activity balance confidence scale, GDS geriatric depression scale, BBS berg balance scale, MDC minimal detectable change, COP centre of pressure, COG centre of gravity, TUG timed up and go test, NS non significant