Representative “acceptable” (score between 5 and 6) and “unacceptable” (score under 5) quality images from participants with and without pathology are illustrated and obtained with the prototype system. (a) Seven averaged B-scans of fovea of a 21-month-old child with possible cysts or split in the inner nuclear layer. The total score is 5 (contrast, 1; resolution, 1; lateral centration, 2; vertical centration, 1). (b) Ten averaged B-scans of fovea of a 16-year-old teenager with +4.25 D astigmatism. The total score is 6 (contrast, 1; resolution, 1; lateral centration, 2; vertical centration, 2). (c) Ten averaged B-scans of optic nerve of a 17-year-old teenager with congenital glaucoma (severe stage) with eccentric fixation. The total score is 6 (contrast, 1; resolution, 1; lateral centration, 2; vertical centration, 2). (d) Ten averaged B-scans of fovea of a 51-year-old adult. The total score is 4 (contrast, 1; resolution, 1; lateral centration, 0; vertical centration, 2).