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. 2017 May 25;125(5):057002. doi: 10.1289/EHP504

Table 2.

Total neurotoxic pesticide use in Monterey County in 2000 and distributions of agricultural use within 1 km of the maternal residence during pregnancy (n=283).

Neurotoxic pesticides Kilograms used (2000) Kilograms used within 1 km of residence during pregnancy
Monterey p25 p50 p75 Max GM (GSD)
OPs 244,696 31 93 218 1,615 75 (5)
 Acephate 34,792 2 10 29 354 9 (4)
 Chlorpyrifos 25,357 1 9 29 331 8 (5)
 Diazinon 56,434 11 22 50 579 23 (3)
 Malathion 37,161 0 2 19 422 5 (6)
 Oxydemeton-methyl 28,767 2 11 24 260 9 (4)
 OPs toxicity weighted 964,130 59 331 891 8,587 175 (9)
Carbamates 59,914 3 16 49 618 16 (5)
 Carbamates toxicity weighted 335,611 14 66 291 9,222 66 (7)
Carbamates and OPs toxicity weighted 1,299,741 95 485 1,379 9,774 270 (9)
Neonicotinoids 7,103 1 3 6 34 4 (2)
Pyrethroids 16,386 1 4 15 79 6 (3)
Mn-fungicides 154,698 25 62 139 960 54 (4)

Notes: GM, geometric mean; GSD, geometric standard deviation; Max, maximum; Mn, manganese; OPs, organophosphates; p25, 25th percentile; p50, 50th percentile; p75, 75th percentile.