Anxiety r/t Diagnoses Treatment Prognosis |
Assess the patient’s level of understanding of the disease, treatment, and prognosis
Provide the patient with opportunities to verbalize concerns and questions
Provide the patient with understanding of what to expect
Assess patient’s ability to cope and effective past coping strategies
Assess support systems
Assess for signs and symptoms of anxiety
Administer medications to decrease anxiety as ordered
Monitor changes in level of anxiety
Provide a calm reassuring environment
Fatigue |
Assess for fatigue
Assess ability to perform ADLs
Assess for contributing factors: pain, emotional distress, sleep disturbances, anemia, nutritional status, and comorbidities
Screen for potential etiologic factors
Monitor blood counts (CBC, Hgb, and HCT)
Transfuse prn
Develop an exercise program appropriate to the patient’s condition
Encourage rest as needed
Consider physical therapy, nutrition, or psychosocial referral
High risk for infection r/t alteration in skin |
Monitor blood counts (CBC with diff)
Assess skin and wound site for drainage
Monitor for signs and symptoms of infection
Monitor vital signs
Administer antibiotics, antifungals, antiviral, and antipyretic as ordered
Monitor for CMV and reactivation of HSV, VZV
Obtain culture and sensitivity as ordered - If the patient’s wound exhibits signs of infection or the wound are not healing a culture should be taken after obtaining an order. This would allow the team to identify the organism and the appropriate antibiotic to treat the infection. It is important to obtain a wound culture |
Using the swab technique. The culture should be collected after the wound tissue is cleansed with a nonantiseptic sterile solution (i.e. Normal Saline).Lippincott: Introduced: April 15, 2016 |
Alteration in skin integrity Skin care/Pruritus |
Perform skin assessment
Visually inspect and palpate the skin
Assess skin (all body sites) for color (pigmentation changes) temperature, moisture, texture, mobility, turgor and skin lesions
Describe the type of lesion, location and distribution
Evaluate for other symptoms
Assess for pruritus
Take photographs to document lesion and extent of involvement skin condition
May consider being treated in a highly specialized skin unit or burn unit
Ensure hand washing
Use aseptic techniques for wound care
Keep bullae intact
Use prescribed ointment or silver nitrate on open areas
Débride areas per orders
Wound/skin care consult
Monitor for signs and symptoms of infection
Obtain a culture if ordered if infection suspected and obtain results
Monitor vital signs
Administer antibiotics as ordered
Administer medications/treatments per orders i.e. antihistamine
Assess nutritional and hydration status
May consider increasing room temperature to 30–32 ° C especial for large amounts of epidermal detachment.
May consider a blanket warm per orders
Careful handling of skin
Minimize shearing force especially moving or changing in the patient’s position (anti-shear handling)
No evidence to suggest best skin practice
Cleanse wounds and intact skin by irrigating with warm sterile water or normal saline applied emollient to the whole skin
No tape on skin
Keep nails short and clean
Use mittens as needed
Administer topical creams per orders
Apply a topical antimicrobial agent to sloughed areas per orders
Should avoid use of silver sulfadiazine until sulfonamides are ruled out as the cause
Use of appropriate dressing to reduce fluid/protein loss, decrease risk of infection, pain control and may increase re-epithelialization
Ideally blisters should be left in place and only punctured if necessary, allowing the blister roof to serve as a biologic dressing
If bullae are prominent, blister fluid should be aspirated/expressed thus allowing blister roof to settle onto the dermis
Apply a dressing to collect exudates if indicated
Clinician may consider debridement
Limit trauma by avoiding use of sphygmomanometer cuffs, EKG leads and adhesive dressings (use non-adherent dressings)
For SJS/TEN patients
Mucosal involvement is dependent on degree of skin detachment
Oral care-see mucositis
Genital changes in female patient may lead to adhesions or strictures
Alteration in comfort |
Assess for pain including location, intensity, quality, onset, duration, is it affecting ADL, aggravating and alleviating factors
Administer analgesics as order and assess patient’s response
Assess for side effects
Assess effects on sleeping, coping and ADL
Implement strategies to prevent/reduce side effects (i.e. bowel function or nausea & vomiting)
Administer analgesics prn with special consideration for dressing changes, movement
Use nonpharmacologic strategies
Consider placing on a alternating pressure air mattress may help with pain
Perform oral and pain assessment
Grade mucositis using CTCAEv4 Grade 1- No oral lesions or discomfort
Grade 2- Moderate pain; not interfering with oral intake; modified diet indicated
Grade 3 -Severe pain; interfering with oral intake
Grade 4 -Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated
Perform oral care
Administer lidocaine rinse as ordered
Assess nutritional status
Maintain adequate nutrition
Apply moisture to lips 4–6 times/day
Assess for mouth dryness or thrush
Topical agents for pain
Consult with dietician or dentist as needed
Consult with an ophthalmologist
Apply lubricant eye drops per orders-usually every 2 hrs.
Ocular hygiene performed by special trained staff
Administer eye drops per orders
Encourage patient to express feelings
Acknowledge the patient may see her body differently
Discuss patient’s concerns about sexuality and plan ways to manage the problem
Review potential side effects
Identify pt’s nature/level of concerns/distress
Assess support and past coping skills
Allow patient to verbalize
Refer to social worker, counseling services or chaplaincy care
Provide advocacy and education
Provide community resources
Teach coping strategies
Assess patient’s ability to perform ADL and return to normal activities
Consider referrals, i.e. physical therapy
Review need for equipment and or supplies
Schedule follow up appointments