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. 2017 Mar 8;38:156–169. doi: 10.3767/003158517X695280

Table 1.

Specimen, culture, and sequence accession numbers and localities of samples used in molecular phylogenetic analyses.

Name Locality Specimen no.1 Culture no.2 DDBJ accession no.
Calocera arborea Brazil INPA 241458 (holotype) AB723514
Brazil INPA 241457 AB723513
Calocera bambusicola Taiwan Wu 9910-12 FJ195751
Calocera cornea New Zealand PDD 104991 ICMP 20465 LC131362 LC131403
New Zealand PDD 107847 ICMP 21223 LC131363 LC131404
Japan TNS-F-21061 MAFF 241186 AB472722
Japan TNS-F-21065 MAFF 241188 AB472725
USA CBS 125.84 AB472739
Canada CBS 124.84 AB472738 AB712437
Calocera fusca New Zealand PDD 107930 LC131364 LC131405
New Zealand PDD 107972 ICMP 21238 LC131365 LC131406
Calocera glossoides (= Dacryomitra pusilla) Germany FO38346 AJ406406
Calocera cf. guepinioides New Zealand PDD 105005 ICMP 20480 LC131366 LC131407
New Zealand PDD 105033 ICMP 20502 LC131367 LC131408
New Zealand PDD 107874 ICMP 21226 LC131368 LC131409
New Zealand PDD 107929 ICMP 21231 LC131369 LC131410
New Zealand PDD 107969 ICMP 21236 LC131370 LC131411
New Zealand PDD 107981 ICMP 21240 LC131371 LC131412
Calocera lutea New Zealand PDD 107841 ICMP 21221 LC131372 LC131413
New Zealand PDD 107842 ICMP 21222 LC131373 LC131414
Australia CBS 291.82 AB712379 AB712438
Calocera pedicellata New Zealand PDD 107830 LC131374 LC131415
New Zealand PDD 107925 (holotype) ICMP 21230 LC131375 LC131416
Calocera sinensis Taiwan Wu 0703-6 FJ195754
Taiwan JCH 070726 FJ195755
Calocera viscosa Japan TNS-F-15704 MAFF 240119 AB299048 AB712439
Canada CBS 292.82 AB472740
Cerinomyces albosporus Japan TNS-F-15706 MAFF 240121 AB299050 AB712440
Cerinomyces canadensis Japan TNS-F-21034 MAFF 241162 AB472696 AB712441
Japan TNS-F-21035 MAFF 241163 AB472697
Cerinomyces ceraceus USA HHB-8969 AB712422 AB712442
Cerinomyces crustulinus Canada TUFC 30545 AB712423 AB712443
Taiwan AY600248
Cerinomyces grandinioides USA HHB-6908 AB712424 AB712444
Cerinomyces lagerheimii USA RLG-13487 AB712425 AB712445
Cerinomyces pallidus Japan TNS-F-21064 AB472724
Belize FP150848 AB712426 AB712446
Dacrymyces adpressus Japan TNS-F-21045 MAFF 241172 AB472707 AB712447
Japan TNS-F-21069 MAFF 241191 AB472729
Dacrymyces ancyleus Japan TNS-F-21051 (holotype) MAFF 241177 AB472713 AB712448
Dacrymyces aureosporus Japan TNS-F-15711 MAFF 240126 AB299057 AB712449
Japan TNS-F-21074 MAFF 241195 AB472734
Dacrymyces capitatus Japan TNS-F-15709 MAFF 240124 AB299055
Japan TNS-F-21062 MAFF 241187 AB472723
Canada CBS 293.82 AB472741 AB712450
Dacrymyces chrysocomus UK CBS 280.84 AB712427 AB712451
Dacrymyces chrysospermus Japan TNS-F-15712 MAFF 240127 AB299073 AB712452
Japan TNS-F-21060 MAFF 241185 AB472721
Dacrymyces citrinus New Zealand PDD 107915 (holotype) ICMP 21227 LC131376 LC131417
New Zealand PDD 107979 ICMP 21239 LC131377 LC131418
Dacrymyces cylindricus New Zealand PDD 105052 (holotype) ICMP 20517 LC131378 LC131419
New Zealand PDD 107989 LC131379 LC131420
Dacrymyces cyrtosporus New Zealand PDD 107952 LC131380 LC131421
New Zealand PDD 107980 (holotype) LC131381 LC131422
Dacrymyces dendrocalami Japan TNS-F-38903 TUFC 13914 AB712428 AB712453
Dacrymyces dictyosporus USA HHB-8618 AB712429 AB712454
Dacrymyces flabelliformis New Zealand PDD 107863 ICMP 21225 LC131382 LC131423
New Zealand PDD 107944 ICMP 21233 LC131383 LC131424
New Zealand PDD 76696 (holotype) HHB-18308 AB712430 AB712455
Dacrymyces intermedius New Zealand PDD 107851 ICMP 21224 LC131384
New Zealand PDD 107939 ICMP 21232 LC131385
Dacrymyces lacrymalis Japan TNS-F-15719 MAFF 240134 AB299069 AB712456
Japan TNS-F-21040 MAFF 241167 AB472702
Japan TNS-F-21042 MAFF 241169 AB472704
Dacrymyces longistipitatus New Zealand PDD 107996 ICMP 21241 LC131386 LC131425
New Zealand PDD 107997 (holotype) ICMP 21242 LC131387 LC131426
Dacrymyces cf. microsporus New Zealand PDD 104992 ICMP 20466 LC131388
New Zealand PDD 104993 ICMP 20467 LC131389
Dacrymyces microsporus Japan TNS-F-21049 MAFF 241175 AB472711
Japan TNS-F-21050 MAFF 241176 AB472712 AB712457
Dacrymyces minor Japan TNS-F-15720 MAFF 240135 AB299059
Japan TNS-F-15721 MAFF 240136 AB299063 AB712458
Dacrymyces minutus Japan TNS-F-15722 MAFF 240137 AB299070
Japan TNS-F-21073 AB472733 AB712459
Dacrymyces novae-zelandiae New Zealand PDD 107892 LC131390 LC131427
New Zealand PDD 107953 ICMP 21235 LC131391 LC131428
Japan TNS-F-21038 MAFF 241165 AB472700 AB712460
New Zealand CBS 295.82 AB472742
Dacrymyces pachysporus New Zealand PDD 105004 (holotype) ICMP 20479 LC131392 LC131429
New Zealand PDD 107916 ICMP 21228 LC131393 LC131430
Dacrymyces parastenosporus New Zealand PDD 104960 ICMP 20433 LC131394 LC131431
New Zealand PDD 104963 (holotype) ICMP 20436 LC131395 LC131432
Dacrymyces pinacearum Japan TNS-F-21056 (holotype) MAFF 241182 AB472718 AB712461
Dacrymyces punctiformis Japan TNS-F-15723 MAFF 240138 AB299052 AB712462
Japan TNS-F-15725 MAFF 240140 AB299071
Dacrymyces san-augustinii Japan TNS-F-15726 MAFF 240141 AB299081 AB712463
Japan TNS-F-21075 MAFF 241196 AB472735
Dacrymyces stenosporus New Zealand PDD 105018 (holotype) >ICMP 20488 LC131396 LC131433
New Zealand PDD 107970 ICMP 21237 LC131397 LC131434
Dacrymyces cf. stillatus New Zealand PDD 105038 ICMP 20505 LC131398
Dacrymyces stillatus Japan TNS-F-15727 MAFF 240142 AB299061 AB712464
Japan TNS-F-21052 MAFF 241178 AB472714
Germany FO28136 AF291309
Dacrymyces subalpinus Japan TNS-F-15730 MAFF 240145 AB299060 AB712465
Japan TNS-F-21071 MAFF 241193 AB472731
Dacrymyces subantarcticensis New Zealand PDD 107948 ICMP 21234 LC131399 LC131435
New Zealand PDD 107988 LC131400 LC131436
New Zealand PDD 76679 (holotype) HHB-18220 AB712431 AB712466
Dacrymyces subarcticus Japan TNS-F-21067 (holotype) AB472727 AB712467
Japan TNS-F-21076 AB472736
Dacrymyces variisporus Japan TNS-F-15732 MAFF 240147 AB299067 AB712470
Japan TNS-F-15733 MAFF 240148 AB299072
Dacryopinax elegans USA HHB-18731 AB712433 AB712471
Dacryopinax indacocheae Venezuela CRM-72 AB712434 AB712472
Dacryopinax spathularia Japan TNS-F-15736 MAFF 240151 AB299079
Japan TNS-F-21048 MAFF 241174 AB472710 AB712473
Dacryopinax sphenocarpa Japan TNS-F-21046 (holotype) MAFF 241173 AB472708 AB712474
Japan TNS-F-21066 MAFF 241189 AB472726
Dacryoscyphus chrysochilus China KUN F45014 (holotype) AY604567
Ditiola haasii Germany RoKi100 AF291314
Femsjonia peziziformis Japan TNS-F-15737 MAFF 240152 AB299080 AB712476
Germany FO25100 AF291330
Guepiniopsis buccina Japan TNS-F-15738 MAFF 240153 AB299085 AB712477
USA AFTOL-ID 888 AY745711 DQ206986
Heterotextus miltinus New Zealand PDD 104962 ICMP 20435 LC131401 LC131437
New Zealand PDD 107924 ICMP 21229 LC131402 LC131438
New Zealand ICMP 16702 AB712436 AB712478
Unilacryma unispora Japan TNS-F-15731 MAFF 240146 AB299074 AB712468
Japan TNS-F-38904 AB712432 AB712469
Coprinus comatus USA AFTOL-ID 626 AY635772 AY854066
Suillus pictus USA AFTOL-ID 717 AY684154 AY854069

Newly described species as well as specimens, cultures, and sequences obtained in this study are shown in bold.

1 PDD, Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (New Zealand).

2 ICMP, International Collection of Micro-organisms from Plants (New Zealand).