Figure 4.
CVs of (a) Bare GC electrode, (b) GC/PIn-Au-SGO, (c) GC/PIn-Au-SGO/Frt/GOx without glucose, (d) GC/PIn-Au-SGO/Frt/GOx in presence of glucose in 0.1 M K4Fe(CN)6 solution at room temperature at scan rate of 100 mVs−1.
CVs of (a) Bare GC electrode, (b) GC/PIn-Au-SGO, (c) GC/PIn-Au-SGO/Frt/GOx without glucose, (d) GC/PIn-Au-SGO/Frt/GOx in presence of glucose in 0.1 M K4Fe(CN)6 solution at room temperature at scan rate of 100 mVs−1.