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. 2017 Sep 30;15:445–448. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.09.071
Subject area Polymers.
More specific subject area Active eco-friendly films derived from plantain flour/PCL blends using zirconium octanoate (Zr(Oct)4) as a catalyst under reactive extrusion (REx) conditions.
Type of data Table.
How data was acquired Thickness was determined with a digital micrometer. Density and moisture content were calculated gravimetrically. Opacity and surface moisture were estimated with the aid of a UV–vis spectrophotometer (u-2001) and a Moisture Analyzer (Model MA150), respectively.
Data format Raw, calculated and analyzed.
Experimental factors The films were conditioned at ∼ 57% relative humidity in desiccators at 25 °C for 7 days using a saturated NaBr solution.
Experimental features Film thickness was determined from eighteen random positions on each sample. Film density and moisture contents were determined at 105 ± 1 °C for 24 h. Film opacity was measured at 600 nm. Surface moisture content of the different films was measured after drying at 105 °C for 120 s.
Data source location Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Data accessibility Data are presented in this article.