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. 2017 Oct 3;5(10):e104. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.5090

Table 2.

Statistical significance of standard questionnaire and physical performance battery in discriminating functionally impaired from functionally intact participants.

Survey instrument Intacta Impaireda Pb

LLFDIc Overall Function 64.04 46.91 <.001

LLFDI basic lower extremity function 76.02 54.23 <.001

LLFDI advance lower extremity function 56.15 22.41 <.001

LLFDI upper extremity function 79.57 68.95 .257

SAFFEd activity level 9.32 6.38 <.001

SAFFE fear of falling 0.24 0.39 .052

SAFFE activity restriction 2.45 6.59 <.001

PROMISe-PFf 48.94 34.43 <.001

PROMIS-PHg 51.99 40.52 <.001

PROMIS-MHh 63.65 55.79 .042

EuroQol 0.764 0.64 <.001
Performance batteryi

Timed Get Up and Go (10 ft) 10.63 21.79 .003

4 Meter Walk 4.30 10.66 .004

Figure-of-8 Walk 9.19 19.28 .008

aMean performance.

bP values are 2-sided t test, unequal variance, with Bonferroni correction.

cLLFDI: Late Life Function and Disability Instrument.

dSAFFE: Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly.

ePROMIS: Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System.

fPROMIS-PF: PROMIS Physical Function.

gPROMIS-PH: PROMIS Global Physical Health.

hPROMIS-MH: PROMIS Global Mental Health.

iValues for all performance battery measures are reported in seconds.