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. 2017 Sep 5;10(sup4):1363506. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1363506

Table 2.

Effect of intervention on maternal health utilization and newborn care practices.

Indicators Baseline (n = 2236)
Endline (n = 1946)
C (%) I (%) Diff. (I – C) C (%) I (%) Diff. (I – C)
Health facility utilization indicators              
 Early ANC attendance 29 25 −4* 29 33 4 8**
 Attended ANC at least four times 53 51 −2 60 63 3 5
 Delivered at the health facility 64 66 2 63 73 10*** 8**
 Woman received PNC services 52 58 6** 61 68 7** 1
 Newborn received PNC services 53 62 9*** 62 70 8*** −1
Newborn care practices              
 Delayed bathing 1 1 0 11 19 8*** 8***
 Put nothing on the cord 35 27 −8*** 21 33 12*** 20***
 Skin-to-skin 58 65 7** 85 85 0 −7**

C, comparison area; I, intervention area; Diff., difference; DiD, difference in differences; ANC, antenatal care; PNC, postnatal care.

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.