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. 2017 Apr 26;33(4):533–557. doi: 10.1007/s10680-017-9421-9

Table 3.

Results of the multinomial logistic regression showing the association of cohort and parental educational attainment (P_educ) with the risk of having a first birth within cohabitation (Panel 1) or while being single (Panel 2) compared to the risk of having a first birth within marriage a

Country Panel 1: cohabitation versus married Panel 2: single versus married
Women Men Women Men
Cohort P_educ Cohort P_educ Cohort P_educ Cohort P_educ
North American countries
CAN 1.125*** .978*** 1.117*** .984*** 1.047*** .990*** 1.028*** .995
US 1.073*** .973*** 1.056*** .969*** 1.032*** .978*** .998 .979***
West European countries
AUT 1.063*** 1.000 1.045** 1.003 1.023 .985** .991 .997
BEL 1.089*** 1.003 1.092*** 1.001 .997 .990 .999 .997
FRA 1.083*** .995 1.090*** .999 .990* .981*** 1.009 1.002
NET 1.154*** 1.007* 1.145*** 1.010** 1.022 .993 1.064** .993
NOR 1.096*** .981*** 1.092*** .984*** 1.025*** .973*** 1.019*** .978***
East European countries
BUL 1.065*** .953*** 1.070*** .938*** .992 .990 .994 .997
CZE 1.047*** .979** 1.070*** .985 1.012*** .986** 1.006 .988
EST 1.060*** .985*** 1.071*** .986*** 1.027*** .987** 1.003 1.007
GEO 1.040*** .985*** 1.051*** .987*** .991 1.003 1.008 .991
HUN 1.093*** .976*** 1.094*** .978*** 1.021*** .986* 1.009 .986*
LIT 1.048*** .985* 1.067*** .997 1.003 .995 .991 .997
POL 1.051*** 1.002 1.072*** .997 1.009** .998 1.007 .996
ROM 1.048*** .957*** 1.063*** .930*** .973*** .996 .975*** .993
RUS 1.023*** .991** 1.017** .998 1.003 .991** .985* 1.006

a Controlled for age, age2, and age3 (results not shown in the table)

p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001