Geometric mean titres for hSBA at each time point against each strain. Values of geometric mean titres at 1 mo after the previous dose (Groups 1, 2 and 3 only) are based on data from Snape and colleagues.21 Time points from this study include prevaccine (before first dose, all groups), 1 mo postdose 1 (all groups) and 1 mo postdose 2 (Group 4 only). Participants in Group 1 were not tested for M10713 strains at 1 mo after the previous dose in the prior study because the strain was not available. Points represent overall GMT, with error bars representing 95% confidence intervals. Data are shown separately for the 4 indicator strains: (A) H44/76 (fHbp response), (B) 5/99 (NadA response), (C) NZ98/254 (PorA response) and (D) M10713 (NHBA response). Human serum bactericidal antibody titre of 1:5 shown as horizontal dashed line on each graph to enable comparison as different Y axis scale on each graph. All participants in the follow-up cohort received 2 previous doses of 4CMenB vaccine at 12 and 14 mo (Group 1), 18 and 20 mo (Group 2) or 24 and 26 mo (Group 3) in a previous study.21 Group 4 included participants with no previous 4CMenB vaccination. fHbp = factor H–binding protein, GMT = geometric mean titre, hSBA = human serum bactericidal antibody, NadA = Neisserial adhesin A, NHBA = Neisseria heparin binding antigen, PorA = porin A.