Figure 3.
Hypothetical migration route of the westernmost population of the paddyfield warbler, Acrocephalus agricola, in autumn, compared to a migration route including stopovers of one adult thrush nightingale, Luscinia luscinia tracked by light-level geolocation by Stach et al. [140]. The broken line indicates equinox period when the route is unknown, stars indicate the breeding areas (filled star: paddyfield warbler, open star: thrush nightingale). Open circles indicate recorded locations of stopover sites for the thrush nightingale, while open triangles show hypothetical stopover sites for the paddyfield warbler. The stopover locations have been used for calculations of day length shifts presented in case study 2. Flight directions along the routes of the species are presented in the two circular inlay diagrams. Breeding range and wintering distribution of the paddyfield warbler are marked by horizontal and vertical hatching, respectively.