Table 2.
Risk model comparison with and without plasma HBP (n = 489)
Value | 95% CI | |
ROC area: risk model only | 0.784* | 0.734–0.835 |
ROC area: risk model + plasma HBP | 0.819* | 0.770–0.868 |
cfNRI event | 37.4% | 18.6–55.1 |
cfNRI non-event | 24.6% | 15.2–34.0 |
cfNRI total | 62.0% | 40.5–82.4 |
IDI event | 0.042 | 0.02–0.63 |
IDI non-event | 0.011 | 0.003–0.019 |
IDI total | 0.053 | 0.029–0.075 |
Events refer to the development of the primary endpoint. Categorised plasma HBP based on quartiles was used in the analysis
cfNRI category-free net reclassification index, IDI integrated discrimination improvement
* The difference in ROC area between the risk model with and without plasma HBP was statistically significant (p = 0.03)