Figure 1.
Anaerobic degradation of (a) toluene by G. metallireducens, (b) 2-methylnaphthalene by the enrichment culture N47, (c) naphthalene by an uncharacterized iron-reducing enrichment culture SN, and (d) toluene by T. aromatica. The added bicarbonate buffer (30 mM) consisted of nonlabeled and 13C-labeled sodium bicarbonate at a ratio of 50:50 for G. metallireducens (a) and the enrichment culture N47 (b), 80:20 for the enrichment culture SN (c), and 90:10 for T. aromatica (d). Sulfate or iron reduction as surrogate measurements indicated methylnaphthalene or naphthalene degradation. Carbon isotope ratio changes were expressed as a percentage compared to the initial x(13C) value: Δx(13C) = (x(13C)t – x(13C)initial)/x(13C)initial × 100. The calculated CO2 production can be found in SI Figure S2. The x(13C) values of DIC samples for (a)–(c) were only measured by IRMS. Both IRMS and IRIS were performed for (d). Data points depict means of two or three parallel incubations measured three times each. Error bars represent standard deviation of the biological replicates.