Figure 2.
Low concentrations of KIF3CC alter MT dynamics. (A) Datasets of cumulative distribution as a function of MT lifetime at decreasing concentrations of KIF3CC. The 50 nM KIF3CC trace is repeated from Fig. 1. ∅, 0 nM KIF3CC in the reaction mixture. (B) Step parameter plot as a function of KIF3CC concentration. The step parameters were determined from the gamma function of PDF plots from each MT lifetime dataset. The Hill slope fit of the step parameter data provides a K1/2,KIF3CC of 2.13 ± 0.03 nM, reported as mean ± SE. (C) Time-dependent MT catastrophe frequency plotted as a function of MT lifetime for a subset of the titration data with KIF3CC from 0 nM (∅) to 5 nM. Fit lines represent a single exponential equation using the nonlinear least-squares method, with error bars representing mean ± SE. (D) Table of compiled step parameters from the KIF3CC titration shown in (B). See also Table S1. To see this figure in color, go online.