Table 1. Abbreviation index.
BEmNC* | Basic Emergency Newborn Care |
BEmOC-1* | Basic Emergency Obstetric Care minus one function |
BEmOC* | Basic Emergency Obstetric Care |
CEmNC* | Comprehensive Emergency Newborn Care |
CEmOC-1* | Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care minus one function |
CEmOC* | Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care |
D&C | Dilation and curettage |
DHS | Demographic and Health Surveys |
EmNC* | Emergency Newborn Care |
EmOC* | Emergency Obstetric Care |
HIV/AIDS | Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
IQR | Interquartile range |
KMC | Kangaroo mother care |
NGO | Non-governmental organization |
NS | Normal saline |
PPROM | Premature preterm rupture of membranes |
SARA | Service Availability and Readiness Assessment |
SPA | Service Provision Assessment |
UNFPA | United Nations Population Fund |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund |
WHO | World Health Organization |
*Further elaboration on which functions are included in this metric can be found in Fig 1.