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. 2017;18(7):1905–1912. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2017.18.7.1905

Table 1.

General Characteristics of the Study Participants Based on Case and Control Groups as Well as Across Tertiles of Energy-Adjusted Total Healthy Plant Foods Intake

Variables Case SD or % control SD or % p-value ^
Mean or N Mean or N
Age (year) 66 9.71 61.38 9.44 0.01
BMI(kg/m2) 24.84 3.64 25.85 3.46 0.12
Total energy intake (kcal/d) 2712.24 593.48 2596.1 712.77 0.33
Ethnicity (%) 0.65
 Fars 48 80 46 77
 Non Fars 12 20 14 23
Job (%) 0.57
 Employed 34 57 37 62
 Unemployed * 26 43 23 38
Smokers (%) 14 23 16 27 0.67
Education (%) 0.09
 Illiterate & primary 41 68 32 53
 Diploma & academic 19 32 28 47
Physical activity (%) 0.02
 never or low 23 38 12 20
 moderate 25 42 24 40
 high 12 20 24 40
Antihyperlipidemic drug user (%) 6 11 6 11 1
Antihypertensive drug user (%) 19 32 13 22 0.21
Aspirin user (%) 10 17 15 25 0.26
Tertile of energy-adjusted total healthy plant foods intake

Tertile 1 (lowest) Tertile 2 Tertile 3 (highest)
Mean or N SE or % Mean or N SE or % Mean or N SE or % P

Age (year) 63.8 11.74 65.85 8.96 61.42 8.09 0.13
BMI(kg/m2) 24.57 3.43 24.57 3.42 26.9 3.43 0.003
Total energy intake (kcal/d) 2,900.98 625.76 2,263.28 536.42 2,798.26 626.08 <0.001
Unemployed (%) 13 26.5 14 28.6 22 44.9 0.08
Smokers (%) 12 40.0 4 13.3 14 44.7 0.02
Smokers (%) 12 40.0 4 13.3 14 44.7 0.02
Illiterate & primary (%) 29 39.7 28 38.4 16 21.9 0.004
Physical activity (never or low) (%) 16 45.7 10 28.6 9 25.7 0.12
Antihyperlipidemic drug user(%) 1 8.3 5 41.7 6 50 0.14
Antihypertensive drug user(%) 11 34.4 10 31.3 11 34.4 0.95
Aspirin user (%) 5 20.0 9 36 11 44 0.24

Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or standard error and Number (%);


, Unemployed participants were retired or jobless individuals;


, Independent sample t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test were used for comparison of quantitative variables; Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test were used for comparison of qualitative variables;

, Obtained by the use of ANOVA or the χ2 test, where appropriate; P<0·05 was considered as statistically significant.