Figure 3. Fine structure of the eye photoreceptor cell surface and co-expression of Las-xenopsin and Las-ropsin in the eye.
(a) Schematic representation of eye structure based on serial section EM data. (b–d) EM micrographs of the apical surface of eye photoreceptor cells (PRCs). (b) Microvillar-like vertical extensions of the eye PRC. (c) Two cilia emerging from eye PRC (inset: cross section of eye PRC ciliary axonem showing 9 × 2 + 2 pattern). (d) Horizontal microvilli (arrows) emerging from eye PRC. (e) Rudimentary cilium of adjacent epidermal cell. (f1-3) Double in-situ hybridization shows that Las-xenopsin and Las-r-opsin are coexpressed in eye PRCs. (Scalebars: 2 µm in b–e, 5 µm in f). eC, epidermis cell cilium; MV, microvilli; N, Nucleus; PC, pigment cell; PG, pigment granules; rC, photoreceptor cell cilium.