FIG 3.
Schematic representation of inactivation of pdh (or pox) in L. brevis ATCC 367 (A) and agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products for verification (B). In panel A, pdhk and poxk indicate the homogeneous pdh and pox fragments, respectively. In panel B, the lanes were as follows: lanes M, 1-kb DNA ladder; lane 1, erm fragment (positive control); lane 2, PCR product of the erm fragment with genomic DNA of the Δpdh mutant as the template, using the primers MG-for and MG-rev; lane 3, PCR product with genomic DNA of the Δpdh mutant as the template, using the primers M13 Primer RV and PDH-phomo-for; lane 4, PCR product with genomic DNA of the Δpox mutant as the template, using the primers M13 Primer RV and PDH-phomo-for. The sizes of objective DNA bands are indicated by the corresponding numbers.