FIG 1.
Global Legionella pneumophila population clustering, phylogenomics, and genomic molecular epidemiology of local outbreaks. (A) Core genome phylogeny estimated using maximum likelihood corresponds with six BAPS groups. Branches with less than 70% bootstrap support were collapsed, and scale indicates the number of core SNPs. The locations of the 10 international genomes are labeled. (B) ST30 core genome phylogeny. Tree tips are labeled with outbreak codes. Environmental and clinical isolates are colored according to the key. Polyclonal outbreaks/case clusters are highlighted with blue boxes. Branch lengths have been transformed and are proportional to the number of nodes under each parent node. (C) Core genome pairwise SNP comparisons of within and between BAPS groups. All groups had smaller within-group diversity than between-group diversity. sd, standard deviation; min, minimum; max, maximum.