Table 3.
Prominent EHR workarounds concerning Persons and their scope and potential impact (↑ denotes an increase, ↓ denotes a decrease, • denotes a negligible influence, and ? denotes undecided. P stands for patient, C for health care professional [clinician or clerk], and O for the overall organization).
Rationale | Workaround | Scope | Safety | Effectiveness | Efficiency |
Declarative knowledge | Manually reentering patient data from the EHR into a letter due to not knowing how to use the automatic letter generation tool | C | ↓ | • | ↓ |
Asking colleagues for assistance when not knowing the correct referral codes when referring patients to colleagues of another specialty | C | • | • | ↓ | |
Not registering treatments due to not knowing what treatments are supposed to be registered and which ones should not | O | • | ↓ | ↑ | |
Not signing treatment plans due to not knowing how to | PO | ↓ | ↓ | • | |
Asking colleagues how to order antihemorrhagic drugs in emergency situations due to not knowing how to | PC | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | |
Procedural knowledge | Requesting colleagues to review draft orders (eg, allergy tests) due to being uncertain whether the draft orders have been entered properly | PC | ↑ | • | ↓ |
Entering patient data via progress notes due to being unsure how to use certain EHR functionalities (eg, family history matrix) | PC | ↓ | ↓ | • | |
Entering the same patient data in 2 near-identical data fields due to being unsure which data field entry will be forwarded to the right colleague | C | • | • | ↓ | |
Rebooting the EHR due to not knowing how to efficiently navigate back to the main screen | C | • | • | ↓ | |
Purposefully ordering too great a quantity of drugs (eg, 2 tubes instead of 1) due to being unsure of what quantity will eventually be delivered | P | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | |
Memory aid | Temporarily boldfacing, italicizing, or underling parts of text in progress notes as a memory aid for questions to be asked or appointments made | CO | • | • | • |
Writing down keywords in a patient’s progress note in advance of an outpatient consultation session as a reminder | C | • | • | • | |
Writing patient data from other EHR tabs or external information systems down on paper as a memory aid to avoid excessive toggling between EHR tabs or windows while writing a progress note | C | ↓ | • | ↑ | |
Awareness | Purposefully entering patient data perceived important for other colleagues to see in data fields that are directly shown on the user’s screen when opening a patient’s health record, rather than in the intended field(s) | PCO | ↓ | ↓ | ↑ |
Bookmarking scheduled patient consultation sessions with specific colors, indicating these patients will be seen by clinicians not yet having a personal identity | CO | • | • | • | |
Writing specific patient data down on paper next to entering this into the EHR as a heads-up for the following clinician seeing the patient afterwards | C | • | • | ↓ | |
Social norms | Copying a workaround after having heard of or seen a workaround being used by a colleague in practice (eg, entering patient data into a data field supposed to be exclusively used by another specialty) | C | ? | ? | ↓ |
Entering patient data (eg, allergies or vital signs) into an inappropriate data field as commanded by a superior, without entering these data into the appropriate data field(s) | PCO | ↓ | ↓ | ? | |
Entering patient data (eg, allergies or vital signs) into an inappropriate data field as requested by a fellow clinician, in addition to entering these data into the appropriate data field(s) | PCO | ? | ? | ↓ |