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. 2017 Sep 2;8(43):73568–73578. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.20625

Table 3. Multivariable adjusted1 association between MetS at DDS tertiles.

Total population (n = 4308) Female (n = 2348) Male (n = 1960)
DDS1(referent) 1 1 1
DDS2(ORs) 1.081(0.876, 1.334)2 0.998(0.759, 1.287) 1.323(0.921, 1.899)
DDS3(ORs) 1.013(0.780, 1.315) 0.868(0.622, 1.210) 1.386(0.903, 2.128)
Female(ORs) 1.537(1.178, 2.004)
Age(ORs) 1.154(1.107, 1.203) 1.181(1.113, 1.252) 1.152(1.080, 1.230)
Square of age(ORs) 0.999(0.998, 0.999) 0.999(0998, 0.999) 0.999(0.998, 0.999)

1 Adjusted for age, square of age, educational level (primary, middle and high), ln (income), smoking (current smoking or no), drinking (current drink or no) , physical activity (light, moderate and heavy), localization (urban or rural; north or south), total energy intake and fat share. For total population regression, sex was added in addition.

2 Values are ORs (95%CI) unless otherwise indicated.

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