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. 2017 Sep 8;8(43):75264–75271. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.20769

Table 1. Analysis of the association between ERC1(c.G48C) and CHM.

ERC1(c.G48C) CHM patients Controls p OR (95% CI)
WES 51(51) 5/102 47(47) 2/94 0.26
MassARRAY 198(199) 15/396 399(400) 12/798 0.013 2.58 (1.26 - +∞)
Sanger test 248(250) 20/496 651 (652) 20/1302 0.002 2.69(1.51 - +∞)

RAF=risk allele frequency; n=number.

* The number given in bracket represents for the total of samples for testing while that outside of the bracket indicates the total of the samples with interpretable results. Several cases failed in these detection systems.