Fig. 1.
Genetic clustering analysis from STRUCTURE [45]. Results for mean values over 10 independent runs at K = 2 are shown. Runs are based on 10 randomly sampled subsets of the complete dataset of 15,454 genes, using a fraction of 0.05 of synonymous sites per subset. a bar plot showing the genetic assignment of each sample, sorted by taxon and population. b Mean values over all individuals as pie charts in each population in the complete sampling area. c Mean values over all individuals in each population in enlarged suture zone in northeastern Austria and adjacent regions. The Wachau region is indicated with a dashed line. Tetraploid populations are marked by black circles around the pie charts. Bedrock type was categorized based on the geological map of Austria (KM500 Austria from under the Open Data licence Creative Commons 3.0 Österreich (CC BY 3.0 AT)