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. 2017 Sep 30;21(3):275–286. doi: 10.12717/DR.2017.21.3.275

Table 2. Comparative analysis of hematological parameters between diploid (2n) and induced triploid (3n) Far Eastern catfish, Silurus asotus in spawning and non-spawning season1.

Hematological parameters Spawning2 Non-spawning2 Two-way ANOVA test
2n 3n 2n 3n Season Ploidy Interaction
Erythrocyte count (cells/μL) 002.5±0.24b 1.2±0.06a 002.6±0.38b 1.2±0.11a P<0.09 P<0.01 P<0.11
Hematocrit (%) 035.7±3.18b 33.7±2.64a 035.5±3.28b 34.9±2.87ab P<0.13 P<0.11 P<0.12
Mean corpuscular volume (μm3) 139.3±5.42a 204.0±4.46b 140.8±6.91a 204.2±5.73b P<0.14 P<0.03 P<0.10
Total hemoglobin content (g/100 mL) 009.3±0.83a 9.4±0.35a 009.3±0.83a 9.4±0.35a P<0.10 P<0.09 P<0.14
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (pg) 036.5±2.98a 55.5±0.67b 037.1±3.69a 54.9±1.87b P<0.08 P<0.01 P<0.14
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (%) 026.6±1.83a 26.1±2.89a 026.4±1.24a 25.9±1.42a P<0.09 P<0.08 P<0.20

1Values of each group were mean±standard error. Values in the same column not sharing common superscripts are significantly different among ploidy and season (P<0.05).

2All parameters of each group were measured in May, 2016 for spawning season and January, 2016 for non-spwaning season, respectively.