The location of the planum temporal on the posterior supratemporal plane is indicated in red outline on an inflated representation of the brain which shows structures buried in sulci and fissures. The inset shows a close up of the planum temporale region. Colors indicate approximate location of different cytoarchitectonic fields as delineated by (Galaburda and Sanides, 1980). Note that there are four different fields within the planum temporale suggesting functional differentiation, and that these fields extend beyond the planum temporale. The area in yellow corresponds to cytoarchitectonic area Tpt which is not considered part of auditory cortex. Functional area Spt likely falls within cytoarchitectonic area Tpt, although this has never been directly demonstrated. PaAi, internal parakoniocortex; PaAe, external parakoniocortex; Tpt, temporoparietal; PaA c/d, caudodorsal parakoniocortex. (Reprinted with permission from (Hickok and Saberi, 2012))