Figure 7. Sensory experience alters NMDAR-only connections onto GABAergic interneurons.
A: Average spatial connection probability maps of NMDAR-mediated inputs to L4 Gad2 interneurons at P13–P14 in control and deaf animals (same neurons as in Figure 6, green: control; blue: deaf). Maps show the fraction of cells that received an input from a particular spatial location. The length of bars marking layer boundaries is 100 μm. B: Laminar input distribution for each cell. Plotted is the fraction of input each cell received at each laminar location. Layer borders for each cell are indicated by horizontal white lines. Soma locations are indicated by white circle; cells are aligned to L4. C: Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the number of input locations. Cells from deaf mice show a trend towards increased inputs (median ± SD Control: 10.8 ± 12.2; Deaf: 15.13 ± 9.8). D: Boxplots show the amount of inputs from each layer. Inputs from L2/3 are increased (p < 0.05), rest are all P > 0.05. E: Average fraction of inputs from each layer. F: Plotted is the distance that 80% of inputs from each layer originate. Inputs from L4 originated further away in deaf animals (P < 0.05) while input from SP originated from closer locations (P < 0.05). Average values can be found in Supplementary Table 2.