Table 2.
Study assessments for participants (transition scenario)
Contact | 1 | 2 (T1) | 3 (T2) | 4 (T3) | 5 (T4) |
Contact window (Number of months±number of months) | Within 6 months before TB‡ | 9 months (±1 month) after T1 | 15 months (±1 month) after T1 | 24 months (±1 month) after T1 | |
Inclusion/exclusion criteria | YP P/C |
Informed consent | YP P/C |
YP P/C C |
(YP) (P/C) C |
(YP) (P/C) (C) |
(YP) (P/C) (C) |
Contact details | YP P/C |
YP P/C |
YP P/C |
YP P/C |
YP P/C |
Sociodemographic and personal information | YP P/C C |
YP (C) |
YP P/C (C) |
YP P/C (C) |
Need for care (HoNOSCA—SR) (HoNOSCA—clinician report) |
YP RA (C; YP; P/C) |
YP RA (C; YP; P/C) |
YP RA (C; YP; P/C) |
YP RA (C; YP; P/C) |
Transition readiness/transition outcome (TRAM/TROM) | YP P/C C |
YP P/C C |
YP P/C C |
YP P/C C |
Referral and transition status (CAMHS clinician only) | C | (C) | (C) | ||
Quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) | YP | YP | YP | ||
Cost-effectiveness (EQ-5D-5L) | YP | YP | YP | YP | |
Service use (CSRI) | YP | YP | YP | YP | |
Emotional/behavioural problems (YP: YSR/ASR; P/C: CBCL/ABCL) |
YP P/C |
YP P/C |
YP P/C |
YP P/C |
Ethics of Transitioning | YP | YP | YP | ||
Independent behaviour† (IBDCS) | YP | YP | YP | YP | |
Barriers to Care (BtC)† | YP | YP | YP | ||
Bullying | YP | YP | |||
Life events | YP | YP | YP | YP | |
Illness perception (B-IPQ) | YP | YP | |||
Transition experience and readiness (OYOF-TES)* | YP P/C |
(YP) (P/C) |
(YP) (P/C) |
Functioning and impairment (SLOF) | P/C | P/C | P/C | ||
Illness severity (CGIS) | C | (C) | (C) | (C) | |
Psychopathology (YP: DAWBA 5–17/18+SR) (P/C: DAWBA 5–17/18+PR) C: Clinical diagnosis |
YP P/C C |
(C) |
(C) |
YP P/C (C) |
T1: CAMHS clinician; if YP is transitioned after T1, then at T2–T4, the clinician is based at AMHS. If there is a delay in transitioning, the clinician at T2–T4 will still be based at CAMHS. Consent and sociodemographic data are sought from the clinician only once. (C)=if YP is a mental health service user, then clinician is asked for information.
*Completed only once at the first assessment after transition.
†If the YP is a service user, the IBDCS is administered; if the YP is not a current service user, the BtC is administered.
‡In exceptional cases, the assessment can take place up to 12 months before or 3 months after the TB (eg, if transitions regularly happen earlier in a service or a decision about transition has not yet been made).
ABCL, Adult Behavior Checklist; AMHS, adult mental health services; ASR, Adult Self Report; B-IPQ, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire; C, clinician; CAMHS, child and adolescent mental health services; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; CGIS, Clinical Global Impression Severity scale; CSRI, Client Service Receipt Inventory; DAWBA, Development and Well-Being Assessment; EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol health questionnaire; HoNOSCA, Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents; IBDCS, Independent Behaviour During Consultation Scale; OYOF-TES, On Your Own Feet: Transition Experience Scale; P/C, parent/carer; PR, parent report; RA, research assistant; SR, self-report; TB, transition boundary of service; TRAM, Transition Readiness and Appropriateness Measure; TROM, Transition Related Outcome Measure; WHOQOL-BREF, WHO Quality of Life Brief Inventory; YP, young person; YSR, Youth Self Report.