Figure 2. The knockdown of SIRT7 inhibits DU145 cell migration.
(A) Western blot analysis of SIRT7 and acetylated H3K18 in LNCaP (1), P69 (2), 22RV (3), DU145 (4) and PC3 (5) cells. (B) Western blot was performed to analyze SIRT7 expression in DU145 and PC3 cells transfected with siRNA. (C) Cell viability of DU145 and PC3 cells transfected with control SiRNA (SiCT) and SIRT7 siRNA (siSIRT7). The data represents three independent experiments with sem (D) Migration assay: the graph represents the number of cells/mm2 migrating across the boyden chamber in three independent experiments performed in triplicate as described in the materials and methods. (Student t-Test ** p<0.01).