SLK cells were infected with KSHV BAC16 and ChIP assays were performed at the indicated time points of infection. We determined the binding of CTCF (A), RAD21 (B), SMC3 (C), and NIPBL (D) on the LANA promoter, RTA promoter (RTApr), and in the intron of the RTA gene (RTAin). The host genomic regions HS1, OSBP, and Neg were used as controls in the analysis of ChIPs. (E) Time course ChIP assay to show the temporally ordered binding of histone H3, RAD21, and EZH2 onto RTA promoter during de novo KSHV infection of SLK cells. The Y-axis on the right is for the H3 ChIP. (F) Time course ChIP assay for binding of CTCF, RAD21, and EZH2 on the promoter of LANA and RTA during de novo KSHV infection of primary human fibroblast (HFF).