Figure 1.
Crystal structures of IgG1-Fc/sFcγRIIIa complexes. (a) Schematic representation of N-glycans expressed on fucosylated wild-type IgG-Fc (left) and sFcγRIIIa (right) used for crystallization, showing the nomenclature of oligosaccharide residues and branches. Sugar residues that gave interpretable electron densities are surrounded by solid polygons in Fc-Asn-297 N-glycans and sFcγRIIIa-Asn-162 N-glycans, whereas those in the sFcγRIIIa-Asn-45 N-glycan are indicated by a dashed box. (b) Crystal structures of Fc fragments in complex with the bis-N-glycosylated soluble form of sFcγRIIIa: left, fucosylated wild-type IgG1-Fc; center, fucosylated Y296W IgG1-Fc; right, nonfucosylated wild-type IgG1-Fc (PDB code: 3AY4). Chain A of Fc fragment, chain B of Fc fragment, and sFcγRIIIa are colored by marine, pink, and yellow, respectively. Fucose residues are colored in red. Carbohydrate residues are represented as spheres.