Figure 1.
High resolution immuno-scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) images of GABAARα1 in primary mouse hippocampal neurons labelled using FluoroNanogoldTM or 10 nm colloidal gold particle-conjugated secondary antibody. The BSE signal (pseudo-coloured in yellow) is superimposed on the SE images. (a): cell body of a neuron at low magnification. Scale bar: 1 µm. Several neurites are present on the cell body plasma membrane. Inset: high magnification of the boxed region in a. Scale bar: 0.2 µm; (b): detail showing the presence of gold clusters at contact regions between processes. Scale bar: 1 µm Inset: high magnification of the boxed region in b. Scale bar: 0.1 µm; (c): a group of neurites on the cell body plasma membrane. Note the presence of gold clusters at contact regions between swollen neurite terminals. Scale bar: 0.2 µm; (d): contact region between neurites imaged at high magnification. Note the presence of gold clusters at the swollen neurite terminal. Scale bar: 0.1 µm. Contact regions between processes are bona fide synaptic contacts.