Fig. 3.
Change in revertant colony numbers of DEPs, NOC ashes, SOC ashes, and YSD. Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 strain with and without S-9 metabolic activation system was used to examine the potential of the air pollutant particles to induce mutation. The number of revertant colonies in DMSO-treated (0.1 mL/plate), 2AA-treated (0.5 μg/plate), and SA-treated (1.0 μg/plate) groups was 123 ± 17, 1,745 ± 123, and 1,342 ± 98, respectively. DEP, diesel exhaust particles; NOC, natural organic combustion; SOC, synthetic organic combustion; YSD, yellow sand dust; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide.