At 4.5 hours after resuscitation, (A) the lungs of sham mice showed normal histological architecture, while the lungs of hemorrhaged mice treated with (B) vehicle or (C) C23 displayed alveolar wall thickening with predominantly interstitial neutrophil accumulation. Representative photomicrographs, 200×; bar, 100 μm; inset, magnified region indicated by square. (D) The histological injury score, graded by an investigator blinded to the interventions, was significantly higher in mice adjuvantly treated with vehicle (Veh) than in mice treated with C23. Data are presented as means ± SE (n=3 per group). *p < 0.05 vs. sham, #p < 0.05 vs. vehicle; one-way ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test.