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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Surv Ophthalmol. 2016 Dec 22;62(4):404–445. doi: 10.1016/j.survophthal.2016.12.008

Table 13.

Demographics and clinical characteristics of chikungunya posterior uveitis

Age (years) Gender Laterality Immuno-
Method of
Symptoms Signs VA at
Treatment Complications Duration
of follow-
VA at last
Lalitha et al (2007)143 Mean: 44.8; range: 22–57 M: 21; F: 16 B: 7; U: 30 Nil Clinical, serology Blurring of vision Retinitis with vitritis: 2; optic neuritis: 4; multifocal choroiditis with CME: 2; exudative RD: 2; neuroretinitis: 1; CRAO: 1 Range: 20/20-PL; 20/20 –20/120: 24; <20/200: 7; <HM: 3 Topical/systemic corticosteroids RD, CRAO, optic neuritis/atrophy Range: 0.5–3 Improved: 11; same: 12; worse: 3
Chanana et al (2007)33 16 M B Nil Serology Decreased vision Macular choroiditis with submacular exudates OD: 20/400; OS: 20/40 Oral prednisolone Nil 1.5 OD: 20/120; OS: 20/30
Mittal et al (2007)174 Mean: 45.8 ± 15.6; range: 22–68 M: 9; F: 5 B: 5; U: 9 Nil Serology Blurred vision: 19; impaired color vision: 19; pain: 3; diplopia: 1; redness: 1 Papillitis: 8; neuroretinitis: 3 Range: 6/6-CF; 6/6–6/12: 3; 6/18–6/60: 5; <6.60: 11 IV methylprednisolone, oral prednisolone Optic atrophy, disk pallor/edema 0.75 Improved: 10; >6/12: 12
Mahendradas et al (2008)158 Mean: 43; range: 32–55 M: 2; F: 1 B: 1; U: 2 Nil Serology Blurring of vision Viral retinitis: 3; vitritis, hyperemic disk, area of confluent retinal opacity in posterior pole, retinal and macular edema, hemorrhage OU: 20/2000 Systemic acyclovir, oral prednisolone Serous RD 1.5 OD: 20/20; OS: 20/40
OS: 20/20000 OS: 20/60
OD: 20/200 OD: 20/40
Murthy et al (2008)177 35 M B Nil Serology (aqueous tap positive for HSV) Decreased vision RAPD, retinitis, hemorrhages in posterior pole, hyperemia and blurring of disk margins (neuroretinitis) OD: CF 2 m; OS: 20/20 IV/oral acyclovir, intravitreal ganciclovir, oral steroids Nil 5 OD: 20/120; OS: 20/20
Mahesh et al (2009)159 48 F B Nil Serology (ELISA and PCR) Decreased vision Optic disk edema, intraretinal hemorrhages, peripapillary cotton wool spots, retinitis with macular star OD: 20/80; OS: 20/60 Symptomatic, oral prednisolone Nil 2 OD: 20/30; OS: 20/20
Rose et al (2011)203 Mean: 35.6; range: 22–45 M: 7; F: 1 B: 3; U: 5 Nil Clinical, serology Sudden blurring of vision, scotoma Papillitis: 7; neuroretinitis: 1; RAPD, disk edema, hemorrhage Range: 6/6-PL IV methylprednisolone, oral prednisolone Nil 1 Improved >6/12: 9
Nair et al (2012)180 65 M B Nil PCR Decreased vision Neuroretinitis, cotton wool spots, hemorrhages, grade 2 vitreous haze OD: 20/200; OS: 20/400 Oral steroids, oral acyclovir Nil 0.75 NR; “partial resolution”
Summary; n, % Mean: 41.7; range: 16–68 M: 42 (63.6); F: 24 (36.4) B: 20; U: 46 Nil Clinical, serology, ELISA, PCR Blurring of vision, pain, diplopia, scotoma, redness Vitritis, retinitis, multifocal choroiditis, neuroretinitis, retinal edema, hemorrhage Range: 20/20-PL Corticosteroids, acyclovir RD, optic atrophy, CRAO Mean: 1.8; range: 0.5–3 Improved: 37; (56.1)

B, bilateral; CME, cystoid macular edema; CF, counting fingers; CRAO, central retinal artery occlusion; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; F, female; HM, hand movement; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV, intravenous; M, male; NR, not reported; OD, oculus dexter; OS, oculus sinister; OU, oculus uterque; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PL, light perception; RAPD, relative afferent pupillary defect; RD, retinal detachment; U, unilateral; VA, visual acuity.