Table 6.
Explanation of YS by trait selecting 10% of the total genotypes having maximum and minimum expression of each character, and the 10% of the genotypes of maximum and minimum yield in the year of greater water stress (Equation 2).
Trait | Explanation of YS |
GW | 0.37 |
SW | 0.06 |
DH | 0.34 |
GLAU | 0.23 |
PH | 0.29 |
Δ | 0.37 |
YI | 0.01 |
GW, grain weight; SW, seed weight; Δ, DH, days to heading; GLAU, glaucousness; PH, plant height; 13C discrimination; YI, maximum yield high irrigation. n = 185 except Δ with n = 52.