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. 2017 Oct 24;61(11):e00311-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00311-17


Comparison of model-predicted steady-state concentrations for low and high creatinine clearance

CLCR (ml/min/1.73 m2) and simulated dosing regimen Model-predicted Cssa
Median (mg/liters) IQR (mg/liters) Maximum Css/trough (mg/liters)
    4.0 g q8h 14.2 6.1–22.8 68.9
    4.0 g q6h 28 16.5–42.7 87.2
    4.0 g q8h, 4-h EI 25.8 5.0–39.8 74.8
    4.0 g q6h, 3-h EI 43.1 13.1–62.3 107.5
    4.0-g LD + 8.0-g CI 56.3 34.1–56.3 88.2
    4.0-g LD + 12.0-g CI 67.8 51.2–84.3 132.0
    4.0-g LD + 16.0-g CI 88.3 67.7–112.1 172.2
    4.0 g q8h 0.1 BLOQ of −0.4 10.6
    4.0 g q6h 0.4 0.1–1 15.8
    4.0 g q8h, 4-h EI 0.591556 0.2–1.3 11.3
    4.0 g q6h, 3-h EI 1.803293 0.7–3.3 16.9
    4.0-g LD + 8.0-g CI 12.91229 10.8–16.1 25.6
    4.0-g LD + 12.0-g CI 19.36153 16.1–24.2 38.1
    4.0-g LD + 16.0-g CI 25.25549 21.3–32.0 49.5

Data for continuous infusion regimens are for steady-state concentration (Css) between 48 and 72 h and trough concentrations at 72 h for intermittent and extended infusion regimens. BLOQ, below the limit of quantification of the assay method for the model data (<0.1 mg/liter).