HCT-116 CRC cells (A-C), the primary human colon cancer cells (two lines, “Colon can-1/2”, D) and the primary human colon epithelial cells (“Colon Epi1”, D) were either left untreated (“C”) or stimulated with TW-37 at applied concentrations (10–1000 nM), cells were further cultured in TW-37-containing-medium for designated time; Cell survival was tested by MTT assay (A and D) or colony formation assay (B, for HCT-116 cells); Cell proliferation was tested by BrdU ELISA assay (C, for HCT-116 cells). Data were presented as mean (n = 5) ± standard deviation (SD). *p<0.05 vs. “C”. Experiments in this figure were repeated five times, and similar results were obtained.