NUSAP1 interacts with the RanBP2–RanGAP1–UBC9 complex in a cell cycle-dependent manner.
A, Venn diagram showing overlap of IP-MS/MS experiment results. B, TSC for each of the RanBP2–RanGAP1–UBC9 complex members determined by mass spectrometry. C, endogenous NUSAP1 IPs were performed in four different nocodazole-arrested cells and analyzed for RanBP2. D, endogenous RanBP2 IP performed in nocodazole-arrested 293T cells. E, size exclusion chromatography was performed on extracts from nocodazole-arrested 293T cells. Extracts were analyzed on a Superose 6 column. Previously tested size markers migrated in the indicated fractions. F, endogenous NUSAP1 IPs were performed using each of the gel filtration fractions from E. *, indicates SUMOylated RanGAP1.